MITK ReleaseNotes 2012.09

Revision as of 11:17, 18 December 2012 by AndreasFetzer (talk | contribs)
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MITK 2012.09 Release Notes


This is the second release in the new MITK release cycle. The complete list of new features, bug fixes and known issues is down on this page.

What's included?

There are binary installers for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Additional to the basic plugins of our first release ( visualization, measurement and interactive segmentation) two new plugins are included: a new logging view and a experimental plugin for DICOM Import and Query/Retrieve based on components from the Common Toolkit CTK.

The application itself was renamed from ExtApp to MITK Workbench. Please note that the installers do not contain the source code or header files for the precompiled libraries. To develop applications or plugins with MITK please get the source code.

How to get it?

Please have a look at the download page.

Highlights of 2012.09 release

  • General:
    • Upgraded the VTK version in the superbuild to VTK 5.8 with an option to select VTK 5.10
  • Core library:
    • Loading and saving 2D images with 3D geometry is now possible
    • New guidelines and utility macros for consistent exception handling
    • Improved logging system handling MITK and third-party log messages
    • Support for loading tilted gantry images
    • Event notification policy for the mitkGlobalInteraction. The GlobalInteraction class can now be told to inform only the one listener who can handle the event best.
    • CanHandleEvent function for StateMachine. Like interactors the statemachine now has a CanHandleEvent function too.
    • Improved/faster rendering of binary images
  • Application:
    • The main application executable has been renamed from ExtApp to mitkWorkbench and is now referred to as the MITK Workbench
    • Experimental DICOM Query/Retrieve support via our new DICOM Plugin
    • Renamed "transversal" orientation to more commonly used "axial"
  • Documentation:
    • New doxygen command to mark functions as deprecated
    • Improved documentation structure
  • Segmentation:
    • Completely VTK-based reslicing, i.e. faster and more accurate contouring in rotated slices
    • New Otsu threshold segmentation
    • Fixed crosshair rotation during contouring
    • Undo/Redo is now working for contouring in rotated slices
    • Exception handling concept for MITK IGT
  • MITK-Tof:
    • Integration of ToF endoscope
  • MITK Diffusion:
    • There will be a new MITK Diffusion release based on MITK 2012.09 soon
  • Video Support:
    • OpenCV 2.4.2 included in our super build
  • Measurement:
    • Histogram boundaries of the statistic view are no longer limited
    • Fixed crash of the statistics view when using it together with the segmentation plugin
    • Calculation of the image statistics is now running in a background thread


In the 3 months since the last release more than 300 bugs were fixed.

Not anything could be fixed in time, so here are the most important known issues

New feature list

Complete list of new features since MITK 2012.06

1770 Design exception handling concept for MITK-IGT
3137 Improve IGT-Pipeline handling
4525 Make DICOM IO Version configurable
7994 Realize undo functionality for the segmentation in rotated planes
8130 Refurbish property system
8684 Make a tree out of the property table
9112 NavigationDataPlayer should offer a method to check if the stream is valid
9541 Enhance FiberBundle Developer View
10050 Integrate a CTK Plugin for DICOM support in MITK
10333 implement an overwriteImageFilter based on the algorithm of vtkImageReslice
10410 Tracking Volume of Polaris Vicra is of wrong type
10956 Import DICOM data using the ctkEventBus
11106 Reformatting of Tilted Gantry series in DICOMSeriesReader
11783 Create new Overlay that holds a custom widget
11838 move the mesh decimation plugin to the open source MITK
11980 DWI create a b-Value map
11993 New logging features of MITK
11996 Advanced B0 Extraction will extract only the first one
12091 Implement possibility to remove short fibers from fiber bundle
12141 Add exception handling to class NavigationDataPlayer
12148 usUtils.cpp will not compile with Visual Studio when using the /MD flag
12150 Multishell support for ReduceDirectionGradientsFilter
12226 copy all curves in tbss plot widget to clipboard instead of average
12244 Change class structure of EnergyCalculator in Gibbs-Tracking.
12333 Integrate USImageMetadata into ServiceProperties
12353 Extend capabilities of USImageSource
12400 PlanarFigureMapper2D should be able to display name and features more flexibly
12490 Polish Imaging Preview Feature of Ultrasound Plugin
12561 implement removal of fibers with too high curvature
12565 Add example doxygen documentation
12649 Enable Microservice Support for IGT
12659 Create link page for developers to doxygen
12681 Add Rethrow macro to exception macros
12718 Build DCMTK as shared libraries (optionally)
12719 mitk.gui.qt.dicom use icons and progress dialog
12750 Make US Device support Transformations
12757 Rework Templating for QmitkServiceListWidget
12787 Implement NavigationDataSourceSelectionWidget
12821 Added persistence caparbilities for Debug options in CameraCalibration Module
12841 mitk.gui.qt.dicom storescp should provide user feedback
12843 Add feature to define tool tip for navigation tools
12856 Support OpenCV 2.4.2 via superbuild
12890 Diffusion Particle Grid needs extended constructor Parameter
12915 Add 3D+t-Heart test data to MITK-Data
12993 Adapter class for vtk output window
13047 Implement adapter class for itk logging
13076 Configure F1 help on a per view basis
13081 Create custom doxygen command to manage deprecated and removed functions
13120 Improve MITK Workbench welcome text
13197 Image Navigator deactivated per default