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(formerly known as openCherry)

A modular, cross-platform, C++ application framework

This is the Wiki for BlueBerry. For general information please see the BlueBerry homepage.

Getting Started

If you want to develop with BlueBerry, please see the download link. MITK users who want to use BlueBerry should read the information in SetupMitkQt4BlueBerry (the BlueBerry source code is distributed with MITK).

For an overview about the features and capabilities of BlueBerry, see the links below:

  • A good place to get an overview of the C++ classes is the BlueBerry doxygen documentation.
  • To learn more about OSGi, visit [1]], especially [What Is OSGi.
  • You can learn more about the BlueBerry Workbench by reading the corresponding articles about the Eclipse Workbench and browsing the Workbench User Guide on Many concepts are the same in BlueBerry, especially Views, Editors, Perspectives, Commands, the Selection Service, etc.

In the future, we will provide more tutorials and BlueBerry specific guides.

How-Tos and Tutorials





For pure BlueBerry questions, see this FAQ.

For questions about the interplay of MITK, Qt3/Qt4, and BlueBerry, see the MITKBlueBerryFAQ.